Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Feeding Siamese Fighting Fish.

How much food is enough for a Siamese Fighting Fish?  The answer is how much they want to eat. Like humans, fighters have days when they won’t eat much and other days when they will eat like pigs.  They will eat more of their favourite food such as blackworms and mosquitoes larvae and less of some manufactured foods depending on the fish.  You may even find that they may turn their noses up at some food.  So instead of placing the food in the tank and racing off to do other jobs, when feeding you Siamese Fighting Fish it is a good idea to keep placing small amounts of food into the tank until your fighter has stopped eating.  Any uneaten food should be removed so not to pollute the water.

Food should be rotated between dried, freeze dried, frozen and live.  A variety of food will ensure that your Siamese Fighting Fish is receiving all the nutrition that it requires.  It is also a good idea to give your fighter one day a week without food.  This day without food helps to clear it’s digestive system.  A green pea with the shell removed and squashed will also help clean a fighter’s digestive system.  Live food such as blackworms should be fed only two to three times a week, unless you are conditioning a pair for spawning.

A Siamese Fighting Fish will survive being fed only once a day, which means that the water will not be polluted as quickly.  Having shipped Siamese Fighting Fish, they will survive without any harm for four days without food.  So if you are going away for the weekend, your fighter will come to no harm because he has not been fed.  Just make sure that he cannot jump out of the tank if he see anything that may look like food.

For more information or care tips for Siamese Fighting Fish, visit www.siamesefighting.com

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